

Bachelor’s degree is the first stage of higher education. Undergraduate studies in Germany last from six to eight semesters. Students who have received a bachelor’s degree acquire the first professional qualification.

Bachelor’s programs can focus on one core subject (mono-bachelor) or be a combination of several subjects (combined bachelor or two-subject bachelor). Studying in a mono-subject program means that you study only one subject. A classic example of this is the study of, for example, mechanical engineering, economics, etc. A combined undergraduate program, on the other hand, combines two different subjects that are studied in the same way and at the same time.

The opportunity to get higher education for free is not offered in all countries of the world. This is usually associated with additional skills and knowledge that not all applicants possess. The advantage of studying in Germany is that studying, in all public institutions, is free. To whom, having received the status of a student, you receive several student benefits.

After graduating from a university and receiving a bachelor’s degree, you can easily get a job in Germany and get a residence permit with all the rights and benefits, such as: a pension fund, payment of social assistance under certain living conditions (unemployment, disability, etc.) Simply put, you are provided with a safe and stable future!